As a Panama City attorney, I am often asked by my clients, “I don’t have much, do I need a will?”
My answer is, “Absolutely! You need a will”

- If there is no will in place, a judge will decide who cares for your children. We all know, the judge’s choice may not be the same as yours. For parents, making a will is one of the most important thing you can do. This allows you to determine who your minor children are cared for should anything happen to you.
- In your will you can designate someone (personal guardian) to care for your children if you pass before they become legal adults. You can also name a trustee (property guardian) to manage your money for your children until they reach adulthood. You can appoint one person to act as both personal and property guardian, or choose two people to carry out the separate roles.
- If you want to disinherit one of your children or would like to give more to one child than another, you must specifically establish your intentions in a will.
- You can change or revoke your will at any time. In addition to helping you write a will, one of our Panama City attorneys at The Morris Law Firm can help you with a codicil, which is an amendment to an existing last will and testament.
- Any person who is of sound mind and either 18 years of age or older or an emancipated minor may make a will.
- In Florida, the Florida Probate Code states that a will must be signed by two witnesses to be valid. We have notaries available on-site to help with this.